May 20, Bryant Park: "I Would like to urge your administration to speed up the process of immigration," said Nick Ni of New York City. I have applied for immigration since 2002 and was told I would only have to wait for five years to get the Green Cards. But it has been postponed year after year."Labels: Bryant Park
May 20, Bryant Park: "How come in a nation like Austria of 8 million they spend as much money on the arts as we do on the NEA?" said Matt Baker of New York City. "A correlation between arts and education shouldn't be ignored - especially when about half of our kids don't even graduate from high school."Labels: Bryant Park
May 20, Bryant Park: "I'd like to express my wish as a lifelong music teacher and performer," said Alex Candelaria of New York City. ... "I think we need a concerted effort for funding whether it be music lessons, live concerts and other unique methods..."Labels: Bryant Park
May 20, Bryant Park: "By the way, Taiwan is not part of China," said Elaine of New York City.Labels: Bryant Park
Bryant Park, May 19: "Today's colleges and schools of higher education are playing the roles of pimps - pimps pushing education," said Sam Riddick of Philadelphia. "And they also come in the form of loan shark bookies and instead of breaking my ankles and arms, they're breaking my back trying to pay college back. ... So Mr. President, please fix the education situation."Labels: Bryant Park
Bryant Park, May 19: "As a 53-year-old Latin woman, my desire is to see a president fulfill many of teh wishes that women in this country have held dear to their hearts," said Maria Elena Alvarez of New York City. "I believe that these wishes are the same that our mothers held dear to their heart."Labels: Bryant Park
Bryant Park, May 19: "We must end corporate domination of America!" said Hans Tester of New York City. "It is killing us!!"Labels: Bryant Park
Bryant Park, May 19: "I woudl like to see there be more housing for poor people," said Alexis Chavis of New York City. "Last but not least: help people pay back student loans.."Labels: Bryant Park
Coconino Community College, Flagstaff, Ariz., April 30. "Somewhere in your lineage there's an immigrant - please remember that when you have to sign immigration legislation," said Barbara Eickmeyer.
Labels: Flagstaff
Coconino Community College, Flagstaff, Ariz., April 30. "I greatly support our efforts in the Middle East and would ask for you to support our military," said Vivian Sanchez.
Labels: Flagstaff
April 28, Pitzer College: Lynette Bulule wants the next president to be more "laid back" about issues related to race, and "install a very good sense of humor."Labels: Pitzer College
Venice Beach, April 26. "Why is the state allowing the police to write homeless people tickets for sleeping on the streets when the only place for them to sleep IS on the streets?" said Patrick, from Houston.
Labels: Venice Beach
Venice Beach, April 26. "I hope for the next 4 or 8 years of your presidency that you realize we are all one color, one breath, one heartbeat," said Shawn E. of Salt Lake City.Labels: Venice Beach
Venice Beach, April 26. "I think the focus of the next administration should be on the middle-class people of America, and the economy," said Richard Hansen of Marina del Rey.Labels: Venice Beach
Monterey Institute of International Studies, April 23. "I'm sure you realize that this is a great privilege to be able to serve the American people," said Surjit Basra. "One of the inherently complicated issues I'm sure you're thinking about right now is the Iraq and Afghanistan war, which strongly correlates to the American foreign policy. This could be better emphasized and improved through a dialog with the local populations in these countries."Labels: Monterey Institute of International Studies
Monterey Institute of International Studies, April 23. "Remember that some of us have devoted every day of our lives to Iraq and Afghanistan and that we are tired," said Natalie Cole. "My husband and I have both served our country and we feel as if we have done all we can."Labels: Monterey Institute of International Studies
Monterey Institute of International Studies, April 23. "It's been almost 6 years since I retired. No as I am going on 71, I found that I have to go back to the workforce because my moderate income and modest savings are being depleted in a hurry. ... I'm open to all suggestions that you have."Labels: Monterey Institute of International Studies
Monterey Institute of International Studies, April 23. "I'm Abdul Hai from Afghanistan and my message to the next President is to handle the war in Afghanistan in a better way and not leave Afghanistan until we have peace there."Labels: Monterey Institute of International Studies
Monterey Institute of International Studies, April 23. "Please observe the Constitution," said Owen Segerstrom. "Please behave as if this is a democratically run country, regardless of your political stripes, be they stereotypically liberal or stereotypically conservative."Labels: Monterey Institute of International Studies
St. Mary's College, April 22. "Please be our true advocate and promote cross-cultural dialogue as a social norm," said Kaleb Lawson.Labels: St. Mary's College
St. Mary's College, April 22: "Help the disemplowered in this country before you "help" those other countries," said Tiffany Mathis.Labels: St. Mary's College
St. Mary's College, April 22. Bill Sullivan said, "I think it would be really nice if we'd stop spending money on things that destroy people like bombs and guns and start spending it on feeding people, clothing people, educating people - people at home."Labels: St. Mary's College
St. Mary's College, April 22. "As the next leader of our country, please listen to the youth of America," said Felisa Arguello.
St. Mary's College, April 22. Chelsea Ulloa said: "Please don't let my boyfriend get deployed. Also, please don't allow a draft. I'm deeply afraid for my 10-year-old and 13-year-old brothers."Labels: St. Mary's College
St. Mary's College, April 22. "I hope that you will consider that marriage is something not to be held for a certain class of citizens and that all are granted the freedom to marry regardless of who they are," said Scott Devlin.
Labels: St. Mary's College